Our Thinking

The Discipline of iHeartMedia

The recent announcements by iHeartMedia and the Katz Media Group have put the radio industry on notice that the programmatic era has officially begun. In this post, we take a look at how iHeartMedia has been preparing for this moment for over a decade. View post

Your top performers are keeping your small accounts small.

Your best sales people have learned to spot the clients that should be doing business with your company. And when those clients are small, they require time and attention in order to help them grow. The irony is that those same sales people often lack the bandwidth required to grow those small accounts. View post

Why Should Your Clients Do Business With Your Sales People?

Technology has given marketers, sponsors, and their advertising agencies the power to self-serve when they purchase media, which has the immediate effect of separating you from your products. We have three ways to help your sales people make your clients want to do business with them rather than just buying their inventory. View post